Cookie Policy



About our cookies policy

This cookies policy is issued on behalf of Fresh Thinking Advisory Ltd. Our cookies policy explains how cookies and other tracking devices are used on our website at For the purpose of this policy, references to “cookies” refers to cookies and other types of technologies which are used to help us recognise you as a user of our website.

About cookies and how we use them

Cookies are small data files which are placed on your computer or other device when you visit our website.  The cookies are then used to gather information about your use of a site or in some cases, to allow you to be recognised as an existing user when returning to our website.

Cookies are commonly used to help websites work more efficiently and to provide information to website owners.

They help our website to work in the way that you would expect so that we can provide you with a good experience when you use our website.  They also help us to improve our site and make our promotional activity more efficient. 

In general terms, cookies can be categorised into the following broad categories:

Strictly necessary cookies: cookies required for the operation of the website.

Analytical/performance cookies: these are cookies which allow a website operator to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around a website. They help improve the way websites work, for example, by ensuring that users easily find what they are looking for.   

Functionality cookies: theseallow a returning user and his/her preferences to be recognised.   This means that the website can then present personalised content.

Targeting cookies: these types of cookies record visits to a website, the pages visited and the links followed.  These cookies are used to tailor content.

At the moment, we use cookies which are necessary for the performance of our site and to recognise returning users, We also use analytical/performance cookies and targeting cookies.

Note that where we provide links to other websites, such as the link we provide to our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn social media page, and websites which contain online articles FTA has features in, including Yorkshire Post, Business Money, Bdaily News and Business Link, those third party websites may also use cookies and you should familiarise yourself with the cookies information that they provide on their own websites.  We are not responsible for any cookies used on third party websites to which we may provide links.

More specifically, we use the types of cookies below at The table below also provides information about what the cookies are used for.

Session cookies and permanent cookies

Some of the devices which are used on FTA’s website are used for the current session only, i.e. to recognise returning users. This means that the cookie will expire when your session finishes. Such devices include _utmb_utmc and pardot

Others are permanent cookies which will be stored on your computer and will be used to recognise you as a user, the next time you visit the site. This includes _utma which is a persistent cookie and does not expire, _gid which expires 24 hours after activity ceases, visitor_id<accountid>, pi_opt_in<accountid> and visitor_id<accountid>-hash which each expire after 365 days, lpv<accountid> which expires after 30 minutes, and __livechat which expires after 3 years.

Cookie settings and more information

Broadly, you can block cookies by activating the setting on your browser which allows you to refuse the setting of cookies.  Be aware however that if you use browser settings to block cookies, you may not be able to access all or some parts of the site and our site may not work as intended.  This is especially the case for our website because we use a minimal number of cookies and these are aimed at making our website function properly in the way that you would expect.  

You can find out more about how to manage and delete cookies by visiting

You can also find out about disabling cookies on the following sites for different browsers:




Internet Explorer:

Consent to use of cookies from our website

English law requires all websites to request permission when using cookie technology.  If your browser is set to accept cookies and other similar technologies and if you continue to use our website then we will understand this to mean that you consent to the use of cookies or other similar technologies.  However, if you wish to remove or stop use of cookies from our site then you should either stop using the site or adjust the settings of your browser as explained above, to reject or disable cookies.

Privacy Policy

This cookies policy should also be read alongside our Privacy Policy which you can access by clicking here.